Bill Cunningham, Styles Section, The New York Times, May 1, 2016

Detail from dress Hand Painted By Laura Lobdell for Skowhegan 70th AnniversaryChampers Was Poured

Of course it was a thrill to be noticed by Mr. Cunningham (Sunday Styles, The New York Times) while attending the Skowhegan Awards Dinner, an artist residency in Maine which we loved attending and love to support.  In honor of Skowhegan's 70th Anniversary, we painted the school's map, including the Fresco Barn, Painting Studios, Lake and Cabins onto a heavy Italian Silk Taffeta (just like we knot to make the Seeds Of Silk Collection).Laura Lobdell as seen in The New York Times, Styles Section by Bill Cunningam at the Skowhegan Awards Dinner

The dress was worn with the Lobster Claw (think Maine) Necklace, Seeds of Silk Bracelets and a Champers Ring or three.

 Saddened by his passing but honored and thrilled to have caught his attention one more time. Here's to you, Bill Cunningham, Chin Chin!